Make 2020 the year you volunteer

Hello all you delightful darlings!  The old year is preparing to pass into the West, and the new year will be dawning soon.  Before you all rush off to whatever soiree awaits you, we wanted to step in and gently suggest a resolution.  What, you’re not doing resolutions anymore?  That’s fine, let’s call it a goal, then.  We are hoping, darlings, that you make 2020 the year you volunteer at the festival.

Maybe you’ve thought about it, and just have never gotten around to it.  Maybe you used to volunteer, years ago, and are ready to see what what we’re doing now and how things have changed.  Maybe you volunteer for us every year (for which we are endlessly grateful, and so excited to see you come back).  The Seattle Erotic Art Festival is a volunteer run organization, striving to create a place for erotic art where people can experience it, discuss it, and maybe even walk away with something unique that speaks to them.

There are multiple ways you can volunteer with us and enjoy the festival:

If you want to help early and enjoy a day at our lovely art show without worrying about responsibility once the show is running, help with set-up in the days leading up to the festival.

If you want to get the first glance at all the varied and fabulous humans coming to our lovely art show, help with our box office and take tickets or greet our patrons as they enter.

If you want to be able to roam the party and make sure everything is in its sexy place, help with Ambiance and keep the festival looking fabulous.

If you want to help us sell the art to the amazing and sexy patrons at our lovely art show, become an art docent and join the Order of the White Scarf.  You can also help in the store.

If you want to help our patrons enjoy a fantastic time, get a cool “Obey Me” shirt, and play with a radio, help us out by joining security.

If you’ve never volunteered for us before, head on over to our volunteer page and get yourself registered! We use a program called Volgistics, which will allow you to pick your shifts, the departments you would like to volunteer in, and learn more about the different volunteer openings as soon as they become available. It will also let you know if the position you’re interested in requires further training (like if you want to be a docent or work security). And if you have any questions, our Volunteer Coordinators are ready to help you, or direct you to the staff lead that can answer those questions!

We very much hope you join us, and help us make the 2020 Seattle Erotic Art Festival another event to remember.  And we also hope that whatever this past year held for you, that 2020 is better, brighter, and sexier.  From all of us here at the festival, to all of you out there wherever you are, have a very Happy New Year.