Posts Categorized: Visual Art

Our Highest Honors: SEAF’s 2024 Award Winners

Every year, the Seattle Erotic Art Festival is home to the most delectable variety of erotic art to grace a gallery, a screen, or the pages of an anthology. This year was no exception. Some pieces shone a little brighter, delighted and excited beyond what we anticipated. We would like to celebrate and recognize these… Full Article »

Summer Late Night at Gallery Erato

Seattle Erotic Art Festival is proud to present another Late Night At Gallery Erato art opening on Friday, June 21st. These events recreate the vibe of SEAF’s late night hours: dancing to the stylings of DJs whilst surrounded by erotic art and gloriously gorgeous people. Come dressed to impress and dazzle on the dance floor… Full Article »

Introducing the 2024 Visual Artists

Hello you fabulous art lovers! We are a month out from the 2024 Seattle Erotic Art Festival! The anticipation is building, and we are here today to…well, make it worse, if we’re being honest. How are we going to make it worse? By teasing you with a glimpse of what is to come. It is… Full Article »

Crunch Weekend 2024

Cancel your weekend plans, clean your cache, sharpen your pencils, make a last-minute art store run! Queue up “The Final Countdown!” This is it, my darling artists! The 2024 Call for Art ends this weekend. It’s time for the crunch. We’ve been with many of you through this journey for a little while now, and… Full Article »

Introducing the 2024 Visual Art Jury

Hello, dearest and best beloved artists and art lovers! The Call for Art is sashaying into its final week. We thought we’d interrupt your mad scramble before the deadline and invite you to take a breath. Drink some water. Get yourself a treat. Oh, and come meet our 2024 Visual Art Jury! Shina Shina’s Gallery… Full Article »

The featured artists of Seduction: Monstrous

Connoisseurs of the creepy and captivating! Seduction: Monstrous is a week from Saturday! As our monster-filled evening of devilish and decadent delights looms ever closer, we want to introduce you to the creators behind the art that will be on our walls. Without further fanfare, let us introduce the featured artists of Seduction: Monstrous! Nero… Full Article »

May I have the envelope, please? SEAF’s 2023 Award Winners

Every year, the Seattle Erotic Art Festival is home to the most delightful variety of erotic art to grace a gallery, a screen, or the pages of an anthology. This year was no exception. A number of pieces shone a little brighter, delighted and excited beyond what we anticipated. We would like to celebrate and… Full Article »

Meet the Visual Artists of SEAF 2023

You’ve already heard the rumors, no doubt, and excited artists proudly exclaiming it from various social networks. It is time, art lovers, for the official announcement, and we invite you to meet the Visual Artists of SEAF 2023. Seattle Erotic Art Festival is known worldwide for a comprehensive collection of international fine art celebrating the… Full Article »

Results are in, check your mail!

Dearest and most darling artists! The hard choices have been made, the votes have been tallied, and we have the final decision on the accepted visual art for the 2023 Exhibition! Now, this is only Visual art at this time – Literary and all categories of Performance are finishing their choices, and will be announced… Full Article »

The Awards of SEAF 2023

Hello you decadent and discerning darlings! Every year, the Pan Eros Foundation and the Seattle Erotic Art Festival honor artists and pieces of art that have shown distinction through execution, through evocation, and through embracing all that the festival hopes to achieve. We would love to take this moment and walk you through the Awards… Full Article »