Posts Categorized: Literary Art

Our Highest Honors: SEAF’s 2024 Award Winners

Every year, the Seattle Erotic Art Festival is home to the most delectable variety of erotic art to grace a gallery, a screen, or the pages of an anthology. This year was no exception. Some pieces shone a little brighter, delighted and excited beyond what we anticipated. We would like to celebrate and recognize these… Full Article »

The sexiest of words, just for you

Darling art lovers and gentle readers, we have made it to Wednesday! Halfway through the week, and so, SO close to the start of the 2024 Seattle Erotic Art Festival! Today we want to tease you with something lascivious and perhaps loquacious. We have a lovely collection of wordsmiths in the anthology this year, and… Full Article »

Get to know the 2024 Literary Artists

Hello most erudite and epicurean of art lovers! We’re pulling out the fancy words today, because today is all about fancy words. And sexy words. And charming words. Just words in general. Well, more accurately, it is about those fantastic wordsmiths who bravely offered up their creations for the 2024 Seattle Erotic Art Festival Literary… Full Article »

Crunch Weekend 2024

Cancel your weekend plans, clean your cache, sharpen your pencils, make a last-minute art store run! Queue up “The Final Countdown!” This is it, my darling artists! The 2024 Call for Art ends this weekend. It’s time for the crunch. We’ve been with many of you through this journey for a little while now, and… Full Article »

May I have the envelope, please? SEAF’s 2023 Award Winners

Every year, the Seattle Erotic Art Festival is home to the most delightful variety of erotic art to grace a gallery, a screen, or the pages of an anthology. This year was no exception. A number of pieces shone a little brighter, delighted and excited beyond what we anticipated. We would like to celebrate and… Full Article »

Lascivious Letters: Literary offerings at SEAF 2023

Hello, lovers of creativity in all its forms! Since the inclusion of Literary into the Seattle Erotic Art Festival, we have experimented with different way to share this medium with our attendees. There is unimagined potential for eroticism and connection in both the written and spoken word. We are excited to share the literary offerings… Full Article »

The Awards of SEAF 2023

Hello you decadent and discerning darlings! Every year, the Pan Eros Foundation and the Seattle Erotic Art Festival honor artists and pieces of art that have shown distinction through execution, through evocation, and through embracing all that the festival hopes to achieve. We would love to take this moment and walk you through the Awards… Full Article »

Lectures, Workshops, & Conversations

The Seattle Erotic Art Festival encourages you to not only view art, but to embody art through conversation, education, and action. Over the course of the weekend, we’ll offer numerous conversations, art tours, and lectures on a range of topics related to art, sexuality, identity, and/or eroticism. Take a gander at our options; all of… Full Article »

Meet the Literary Artists of SEAF2022

Each year we receive all manner of literary entries from authors, poets, scriptwriters, and journalists. Then our Literary Curator reads through the submissions to create the Seattle Erotic Art Festival Literary Art Anthology. We are honored to have Claire Dietrich return as the Curator and Editor,  and grateful to François Dubeau for granting permission to… Full Article »

Decadent Literary Delights

Hello all you lovers of art in its countless forms! Gather ’round, and I shall spin you a tale of naughty stories, provocative readings, and a host of authors that specialize in all things sexy. There is boundless eroticism in the written word, and we are excited to share it with you at the SEAF… Full Article »