Posts Categorized: Erotic Film

Our Highest Honors: SEAF’s 2024 Award Winners

Every year, the Seattle Erotic Art Festival is home to the most delectable variety of erotic art to grace a gallery, a screen, or the pages of an anthology. This year was no exception. Some pieces shone a little brighter, delighted and excited beyond what we anticipated. We would like to celebrate and recognize these… Full Article »

Presenting the PEFF 2024 Silent Films

In addition to the delightful shorts that will be playing at the SIFF theater, we are also very pleased to present a stirring silent film program. In the PEFF 2024 Silent Films program, creatives across the globe provides emotive visuals that are full of stories, culture, and lived experiences. The Pan Eros Film Festival’s Silent… Full Article »

Presenting the PEFF 2024 Short Films

Hello all you fantastic film enthusiasts! We are so excited to introduce you to the PEFF 2024 Short Films! This year’s program of short films comes to us from all across the world, from daring filmmakers as close as Vancouver, BC and a far away as Zaandam, Netherlands. These films touch on a range of… Full Article »

Pan Eros Film Festival: Best of Seasons 1 and 2

In preparation for our highly anticipated third season, the Pan Eros Film Festival is proud to revisit our most celebrated short films from the 2022 and 2023 showcases! Please join us on March 15, 2024 at 7:30 pm for one night at the Northwest Film Forum as we look back at the erotic art films… Full Article »

May I have the envelope, please? SEAF’s 2023 Award Winners

Every year, the Seattle Erotic Art Festival is home to the most delightful variety of erotic art to grace a gallery, a screen, or the pages of an anthology. This year was no exception. A number of pieces shone a little brighter, delighted and excited beyond what we anticipated. We would like to celebrate and… Full Article »

Presenting the PEFF 2023 Silent Films

In addition to the delightful shorts that will be playing at the SIFF theater, we are also very pleased to present a stirring silent film program. This collection of films from creatives across the globe provides emotive visuals that are full of stories, culture, and lived experiences. The Pan Eros Film Festival’s Silent Film Program… Full Article »

Presenting the PEFF 2023 Short Films

Dear and darling art enthusiasts! It is our delight and honor to introduce you to the PEFF 2023 Short Films! This sampling of short films comes to us from all across the world, from daring filmmakers as close as Vancouver, BC and a far away as Pune, India. As different as these films and the… Full Article »

And now, the 2022 PEFF Silent Films

Did you think the short film list included all our films? Ha! We have only just begun! In addition to the delightful shorts that will be playing at the SIFF theater, we are also thrilled to present a silent film collection! The Pan Eros Film Festival’s Silent Film Program will take place on April 29… Full Article »

Presenting the 2022 PEFF Short Films

Dear and darling art enthusiasts! After much deliberation from our Film Curator, Brodin Petrichor, we are delighted to announce the films that have been accepted into the first Pan Eros Film Festival! This sampling of short films comes to us from all across the world, and we are so excited to share them with you!… Full Article »

Announcement: Erotic Film Selections 2014

The votes are in, and the Seattle Erotic Art Festival is proud to make public the last – but certainly not least – of our five categories of art; the Film selections! View the full list of accepted films, directors, and film stills on our Film 2014 page. This year’s Film selections will be screened… Full Article »