Volunteer Info Meeting

Volunteers are what make SEAF possible. From the planning committee to the leads of each department to the crew building walls to the people taking your tickets at the door, we are all volunteers. It takes a small army of generous souls working together to make the festival a reality. Join us for this Volunteer Info Meeting and meet different leads and learn more about the festival up front and in person. Well, live during a virtual medium, anyway.

In this meeting, we will cover:

  • the different volunteer roles available
  • expectations of being a SEAF volunteer
  • the perks of volunteering
  • how to register in Volgistics (our volunteer scheduling system)
  • how to sign up for and manage your volunteer shift(s)
  • all your questions!

So why should you volunteer? Well, to start, you’ll have fun! Our volunteers tend to be a diverse group of creative and interesting people with fun stories. Also, a number of our artists volunteer, and you might get the chance to learn about the art from the source. There’s also a sense of ownership that comes with volunteering; you’re a part of the festival now, not just showing up with your ticket. And you get to step away knowing that whatever role you played, it was important to making SEAF go!

This webinar style virtual event will be recorded and posted on our vimeo account and the SEAF website. UPDATE: scroll down for the recording!

If you’ve never volunteered for us before, head on over to our volunteer page and get yourself registered! We use a program called Volgistics, which will allow you to pick your shifts, the departments you would like to volunteer in, and learn more about the different volunteer openings as soon as they become available. It will also let you know if the position you’re interested in requires further training (like if you want to be a docent or work security). And if you still have questions after the info meeting, our Volunteer Coordinators are ready to help you, or direct you to the staff lead that can answer those questions!

Already know you want to volunteer? Go check out the previous news post here to get all the info on registering and signing up for shifts.


All volunteers receive:
SEAF swag, art, and stickers.
Invitation to attend the Volunteer Appreciation Opening Thursday October 28th 8-10pm at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall.
Access (during your shift) to the volunteer lounge with snacks.

For volunteer hours worked prior to Festival:
4 hours worked prior to Festival: get a discount code for 50% any SEAF ticket
8 hours worked prior to Festival: get a discount code for one free ticket to any day of  SEAF
12 hours worked prior to Festival: get a discount code for one free ticket to any day of  SEAF and another for 50% any SEAF ticket
16 hours worked prior to Festival: get a discount code for a Festival Pass
(See where this is going? You can even ask for 2 single day codes instead of a weekend code, too. We want to get you into the festival!)

For volunteer hours worked during the Festival:
Any shift worked during festival: Attend that day free (before and after your shift)

Volunteers who work Strike:
2 hours worked on Monday: get a discount code for 50% off any ticket to Festival or Foundation events 
4 hours worked on Monday: get a code to make one SEAF2022 ticket free 
6 hours worked on Monday: get a code to make one SEAF2022 ticket free and a discount code for 50% off any ticket to Festival or Foundation events 
8 hours worked on Monday: get a code to make two SEAF2022 tickets free

Note: all discount codes and tickets are transferable!

So please join us, and be a part of creating the 2021 Seattle Erotic Art Festival! Click on the video below to lean more!