Posts Categorized: Visual Art

Need More Info From Artists

It is time to plan for the receiving your art and getting your names on the website. Please take a moment and fill out this quick questionnaire so we know what link use for your name and how you will deliver your art to the festival. Give your answers here! All necessary paperwork for accepted… Full Article »

SEAF 2017 Artist Info

We have some amazing artists who are a part of the 2017 Seattle Erotic Art Festival! We are finalizing our list of invited artists. A few more confirmations, and we will be ready to announce all of our artists. We celebrate and encourage artists announcing their participation. The festival has had trouble with our email… Full Article »

Art Sales at SEAF and LAST CHANCE!

Just four more days until the 2017 Call for Art closes! Have you submitted your visual, literary, installation, or performance art yet? The Call for Art closes January 15th, 2017 at 11PM PST. Remember this deadline lovely artists— we’d hate to miss the opportunity to view and feature your incredible art! Whether you submitted your art, or… Full Article »

Artists: Submit Your Proposals by January 15th!

Artists and performers, don’t forget to submit your works and/or proposals: our Call for Art ends January 15th! We’ve received hundreds of submissions (thank you!), and would love to receive hundreds more before we close down the Artist Portal. If you are a visual, literary, store/retail, or performance artist who loves to explore their creativity… Full Article »

Calling All Artists!

Learn more about the types of art Seattle Erotic Art Festival wants to put in front of our jurors. Included is a wide variety of art that was featured in #SEAF2016, as well as a few fun facts. This is a great video to pass along to that artist who you think should be in… Full Article »

Submit Like a Pro – Advice for Artists

The Call for Art for visual, literary, installation, and store artists is well underway! We are oh-so-delighted to receive and peruse your titillating erotic art entries. The SEAF team wants to make your life easy by providing a few things to keep in mind while you navigate the submission process. These words of advice come… Full Article »

Early Bird Discount Ending Soon

Lovely artists— We hope you’re dreaming up provocative, creative, erotic works of art to feature at the 2017 Seattle Erotic Art Festival. As you’re working on your pieces, we’d like to make sure you’re aware of an extra-special offer that’s yours for the taking! Early Bird Discount Ends December 18th! Save money on your submissions… Full Article »

Selecting Art: Our 2017 Visual Art Jurors!

It’s cold in the Pacific Northwest today, so how about a little erotic art news to warm you up? Now that our Artists Portal is open, we’d like to announce our incredible panel of visual art jurors for #SEAF2017! As usual, our picks come from extremely diverse backgrounds, but they all share a love and… Full Article »

#SEAF2017 Call For Art Is Open Now

Get your creative engines started! Visit to see our new Artist Portal and submit your art. You can read more about the deadlines and fees here. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions can be found here. The special early bird pricing has been extended until 11:59pm (PST) December 18, 2016. This gives you an extra weekend… Full Article »

Prepare for the 2017 SEAF Call for Art

Artists, it’s almost that time of year! The 2017 Seattle Erotic Art Festival is just around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about submission…of the artistic sort, of course. The Call for Art opens December 1st. We’d like to announce key dates, relevant workshops for visual artists, and important changes this year in… Full Article »